Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione - Terapia individuale, di coppia, familiare, di gruppo - Corsi di Formazione Sistemico Pluralisti

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Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare

remedios varo personajePersonaje. Remedios Varo.
Maria de los Remedios Varo Uranga Alicia Rodriga, better known as Remedios Varo, was a surrealist painter, born in Spain to Anglès, Gerona, on December 16, 1908 and died in Mexico, October 8, 1963 City.

Since 1993 Cecilia Edelstein has orchestrated group work with local and foreign women. Videotaping meetings and analyzing both the itinerary and the conversations, she has developed a model that addresses the needs of migrant women in the process of insertion and adaptation, but also the needs with respect to the integration between local and migrant.

The narrative with only immigrant women present is an opportunity of encounter and exchange between women of different cultures, who share the common experience of the migration process; this opening has allowed not just preventative intervention, but also prospects of change. The experience of migration, often painful, changes, proposing different narratives that leave room for positive emotions to arise; a different perception emerges that offers new horizons.

Through these meetings we will create bonds that remain and nourish themselves from informal occasions (dinners, parties) or more structured and formal moments (associations, work groups, performances).

These groups also represent a valuable opportunity to learn Italian. Whilst not the primary objective, after 6-8 meetings, thanks to the conversation in Italian – the only language in common -, women leave with greater knowledge and with the ability to express themselves.


This research takes the form of an action-research: initially it did not have the objective of creating a model for working with groups, but this emerged from the experiences, the analysis of conversations, observation of processes, from the power of conscience and outcomes of the women's feedback.


Edelstein, C. (2000),"Il pozzo: uno spazio di incontri" in Connessioni , 6, pp.71 - 86.

Later a research group has started to try to apply the model with immigrant men and local and migrant. Many and varied attempts which have not resulted in any experience.

The research has given space to different assumptions and conclusions, advanced in the article published in 2003:

Edelstein, C. et al. (2003). "Il modello di lavoro di gruppo con donne migranti - Una rivisitazione al maschile" in m@gm@ - Rivista Elettronica di Scienze Umane e Sociali