Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione - Terapia individuale, di coppia, familiare, di gruppo - Corsi di Formazione Sistemico Pluralisti

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Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Family Mediation Course
Family Mediation Course

Family Mediation Course: Comprehensive Training in Bergamo

In the field of Family Mediation, Shinui has been at the forefront for over twenty years, promoting it as an effective tool for the peaceful resolution of family and couple conflicts.

In 2023, a milestone was reached in Italy: the profession of family mediator was recognized and, with Ministerial Decree n. 151/2023, "Regulations on the professional discipline of the family mediator", it is officially regulated. The Decree aims to regulate the professional activity of the family mediator, his or her training and requirements, as well as the methods and limits within which he or she is entitled to operate.

The two-year Family Mediation Course at the Shinui Center, recognized by A.I.M.S. (International Association of Systemic Mediators), is constantly updated and in close contact with the local community.

The Shinui Center's Family Mediation Course deals with conflictual family relationships, in view of or following separation and divorce.

Family Mediation is a voluntary support process, requested by the parties, in cases of termination of a couple's relationship on any legal basis. The process is aimed at the reorganization of family relationships and, in particular, at reaching concrete and lasting agreements concerning the custody and education of minors, economic and patrimonial aspects, and everything else provided for by current legislation on separation and divorce.

The Shinui Center's Family Mediation Course deals with conflictual family relationships, in view of or following separation and divorce.

The Family Mediation Course is recognized by the A.I.M.S. International Association of Systemic Mediators and offers training credits for social workers and lawyers.

In addition to the Family Mediation Course, the Shinui Center offers a specialization in Intercultural Family Mediation (Intercultural Family Mediation) for graduates, as a third year, also recognized by A.I.M.S.

The Regional Council of Social Workers of Lombardy (CROAS Lombardia) has assigned 45 credits for each training year.     The Bar Association has recognized 6 training credits for the year      2023 and 6 training credits for the year 2024.   

For more information, please contact the secretariat  

Corso riconosciuto da

associazione internazionale mediatori sistemici



Family Mediation is a voluntary support process, requested by the parties, in cases of termination of a couple's relationship on any legal basis. The process is aimed at the reorganization of family relationships and, in particular, at reaching concrete and lasting agreements concerning the custody and education of minors, economic and patrimonial aspects, and everything else provided for by current legislation on separation and divorce (from the AIMS portal).

In the dispute, the mediator has the role of facilitating communication between the parties involved, in the search for a dissolution and transformation of the conflict, satisfactory and shared by the parties involved.

The family mediator supports people in processing the grief caused by the loss that occurs in separation (of a partner, of love, of a sense of couple identity, of an "Us") and helps partners to transform the negative emotions that accompany separation processes into positive experiences with future prospects.