Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione - Terapia individuale, di coppia, familiare, di gruppo - Corsi di Formazione Sistemico Pluralisti

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Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
specializzazioni in counseling interculturale e mediazione familiare interculturale

The Intercultural Counseling course, lasts one year, is held one weekend a month (Saturday and Sunday) and is programmed to develop a deeper intercultural context regarding the issue of care relationship with respect to the migrant population.

The specialisation is designed for graduate counselors and is recognized by AssoCounseling; it can also be accessed by professionals who work with migrant population and are interested in exploring this field both theoretically and practically, working also on the self (prejudices, knowledge of their culture, etc.).

This course introduces the pluralistic systems approach in an intercultural context, starting from the research and the work experience carried out over 30 years by Cecilia Edelstein and her staff: clinic, local projects and partnerships with the public sector, mostly qualitative research, but also research-action that has led to the development of specific methods and various techniques.

For further information about the topics addressed in previous years please refer the to intercultural national network.

Specializzazione in Counseling Interculturale

Course is recognised by AssoCounseling




Intercultural Counseling

Intercultural Counseling is a professional activity aimed at people (individuals, groups, families, communities) that belong to minority groups, in order to encourage the inclusion, the accommodation / adaptation and integration, to improve mental health and to provide support in potential crises of cultural transition that are typical of migration processes. The intercultural counseling is a transverse action as it can be applied into all areas: educational, psychological, social, legal, etc.


Edelstein 2007. "Il counseling interculturale. Un modello di intervento pluralista" in Connessioni, vol. 19, pp. 121-140.

Edelstein 2004. "Il counselor interculturale - Un'introduzione" in Il Counselor, vol. 1, pp. 13-19.

Edelstein, 2013. "Cornice epistemologica e metodologica del modello sistemico pluralista" in m@gm@ - Rivista Elettronica di Scienze Umane e Sociali – Osservatorio di Processi Comunicativi, 11 (3).

Edelstein, 2013. "L'epistemologia del 'Noi' nel modello sistemico pluralista: il riconoscimento dell'Altro come processo circolare, dinamico e riflessivo nei percorsi di aiuto", in Riflessioni sistemiche, volume 8, rivista elettronica ad accesso libero.

2013. "Towards a Pluralistic Systemic Approach in Intercultural Therapies with Migrant People". in Human Systems, vol.24, pp. 124-137.