Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione - Terapia individuale, di coppia, familiare, di gruppo - Corsi di Formazione Sistemico Pluralisti

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Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
intercultural counseling - specialization course
intercultural counseling - specialization course

Specialization in Intercultural Counseling

The specialization in Intercultural Counseling at the Shinui Center serves as an in-depth study in the intercultural field, focusing on the topic of the helping relationship with the migrant population.

The Intercultural Counseling course, which lasts one year with approximately monthly attendance, addresses the issue of interculture and is primarily aimed at certified counselors, being recognized by AssoCounseling as a specialization. Additionally, professionals working with the migrant population who are interested in deepening their knowledge in this theoretical and practical field can also participate, engaging in self-exploration (prejudices, understanding one’s own culture, etc.). For these practitioners, a certificate of participation with the qualification of "Professional with Skills in Intercultural Counseling" is awarded upon completion of the course.

The course introduces the Systemic Pluralistic Approach in the intercultural field, based on over 40 years of research and work experience by Cecilia Edelstein and subsequently by her collaborators: clinical practice, community projects, collaborations with the public sector and social private sector, qualitative research, and action research have led to the development of specific techniques and various methodologies, which have culminated in an epistemological framework that guides professionals in the field.

Educational credits have been requested for social workers and lawyers.

Course recognized by




Intercultural Counseling is a professional activity aimed at people (individuals, groups, families, communities) belonging to minority groups, with the objective of promoting their inclusion, settlement/adaptation, and integration, improving mental health, and providing support in addressing cultural transition crises typical of migration processes.

Intercultural counseling is a cross-cutting intervention as it can be applied in all fields: corporate, educational, legal or judicial, psychological, health, social." (Edelstein, 2004).

For this reason, the specialization course in intercultural counseling is open not only to certified counselors but also to professionals working in all these institutions, who can acquire techniques and work tools as well as a methodology that also considers the personal style of each participant, all within a theoretical epistemological framework developed over decades by the course’s main lecturer, Cecilia Edelstein.   

Some Publications by C. Edelstein in the Field of Intercultural Counseling

  • Edelstein, 2020. "Nouvelles familles nées des fratries: le cas des familles réseau", in Les défis des familles d'aujourd'hui. Approche systémique des relations familiales, Salvatore D’Amore (Ed.), Ed. De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 95-112.
  • Edelstein, 2017. "A Pluralistic Systemic Approach in Intercultural Therapies", in Metalogos, Issue 31 contents.
  • Edelstein, 2014. "Intercultural Counseling from Its Inception to the Present", in Italian Journal of Counseling, vol.1, pp. 82-98.
  • Edelstein, 2013. "Epistemological and Methodological Framework of the Pluralistic Systemic Model" in m@gm@ - Electronic Journal of Human and Social Sciences – Osservatorio di Processi Comunicativi, 11 (3).
  • Edelstein, 2013. "The Epistemology of 'We' in the Pluralistic Systemic Model: Recognizing the Other as a Circular, Dynamic, and Reflective Process in Helping Pathways", in Systemic Reflections, volume 8, open-access electronic journal.
  • Edelstein, 2013. "Towards a Pluralistic Systemic Approach in Intercultural Therapies with Migrant People". in Human Systems, vol.24, pp. 124-137.
  • Edelstein, 2011. The Transformation of Social Services in the Era of Migration Flows, Rome: Carrocci Editore.
  • Edelstein 2007. "Intercultural Counseling. A Pluralistic Intervention Model" in Connections, vol. 19, pp. 121-140.
  • Edelstein 2004. "The Intercultural Counselor - An Introduction" in The Counselor, vol. 1, pp. 13-19.