Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione - Terapia individuale, di coppia, familiare, di gruppo - Corsi di Formazione Sistemico Pluralisti

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Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare

shinui association

course, training, counseling, clinical work, research

Shinui was created in 2000 by Cecilia Edelstein, with a systemic multi-disciplinary group of care professionals. It focuses on two strands: Family and Interculture, sometimes separate, others inter-twined.

Thanks to its diversity of systemic training, the whole team has developed the Systemic Pluralistic approach, applicable in psychotherapy (including brief therapy), in counseling and in family mediation. The Centre undertakes clinical workresearch and training activities, both on-site and at the customer premises: it collaborates with public and private entities, as well as the private social sector, and operates throughout Italy, and in certain cases, overseas.

Shinui proposes courses in counseling and family mediation that are recognised by the main professional associations and proposes a specialization training in interculture and migration that is unique in Italy.

Shinui also organises numerous professional events (seminars, workshops and conferences) that are open to all.

corso biennale di mediazione familiare
Modello trigenerazionale (Ispirato all'Albero della vita, di Elena Ivanova)

New edition start: May 2020

The two-year family mediation course proposed by Shinui, recognized by the A.I.M.S. (International Association of Systemic Mediators), considers in an innovative way the main theories and practices of mediation proposed by traditional therapeutic models of systemic-relational orientation. Our course deals with family relationships in situations of conflict, in sight or following separation and divorce.

Also consider all those situations of conflict or crisis in the family system such as relationships between heirs, gender misunderstandings, intergenerational and cultural conflicts. At the end of the second year, a certificate of attendance will be issued. At the end of the discussion of the thesis and the AIMS exam, the student will obtain the title of Systemic Family Mediator.

The specialization in Intercultural Mediation was recognized for graduates in Family Mediation (as a third year). For more information contact the secretary.

Course recognized by A.I.M.S.r




The mediator, in the dispute between two parties, has the role of facilitator of communication between the parties involved, in search of a dissolution and a transformation of the conflict, satisfactory and shared by the contenders.



The Pluralist Systemic Family Mediation course aims to train operators and professionals experienced in the reorganization of family relationships in situations of family conflict, also in view of or following the separation or divorce of the couple.

The preparation in mediation allows the students to acquire:

  • knowledge of the pluralist systemic model and specific techniques for mediating family conflicts;
  • tools to decipher the communicative styles of the couple and the family in conflict;
  • tools to activate the individual resources of the parental couple so as to avoid, in particular to the children, future fears and inconveniences;
  • tools to accompany the couple towards constructive and personalized agreements;
  • greater awareness of the prejudices of the mediator and the couple, with particular attention to emotions, regarding issues such as family, marriage,
  • parenting, transition crisis, relationship conflicts, separation, divorce, child custody and shared custody;
  • greater awareness of the constraints and possibilities associated with the issues listed above.