European project on the mental health of young adults Funded by the European Union Sponsored by Shinui - Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione and by CIPRA - Coordinamento Italiano Professionisti della Relazione d'Aiuto
A residential training seminar dedicated to the topic of mental health of young adults was held in Bergamo between October 31 and November 5, 2022. The city hosted 26 participants from 5 different countries (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy - the sponsoring partner - and Spain) with the aim of creating a European network to construct a synergy around a theme that appears to be increasingly relevant. During the five days, the team of experts, hosted at the Bergamo episcopal seminary, was able to work together and constructively on the issue of mental health of young adults.
In addition to the construction of the network, including the collection of relevant material (for example “the Italian IIPDW de-prescription guidelines” ; "the Consensus Conference on psychological therapies for anxiety and depression” , a relevant bibliography , the creation of a LOGO and the shared knowledge of innovative initiatives and experiences), the week resulted in a manifesto delivered to the European Union, containing 10 essential points for the diffusion of a culture of care with no-restraint.
During the early stages of the project, the team got to know each other professionally and personally, confronting with each other the different realities in the various countries, including through exercises and work in subgroups. They had the opportunity to visit the formerprison of Sant’Agata (EXSA) now a place of memory and institutional symbol of oppression.
The focus has gradually shifted to the mental health of young adults through group activities and work, evaluating and finding possible strategies to deal with the most difficult situations of distress, while being aware of the fact that when we speak of "the mental health of young people" we are referring primarily to the daily life of young people in our communities, who are confronted with, and have to relate to, a difficult world, after years of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The result of this intense week was the construction of a network consisting of people and not just professionals, acquisition of mutual knowledge and appreciation, and of human relationships. This network is expected to evolve in the medium term by promoting research and experimental projects in synergy and coordination.
Some keywords: mental health, prevention, early intervention, inclusion, deinstitutionalization, dialogical practices, human relationship, interdisciplinary work, Soteria and Balance Homes.
In addition, during these days and after the residential session, we had the opportunity to be interviewed on the radio:
Conference report
Interview with Dr. Antonia Restori
Interview with Dr. Cecilia Edelstein
Erasmus+ Project 2019-3-IT03-KA105-017215 - YAMI participants:
Italy: Cecilia Edelstein, Project Responsible and country Coordinator — Shinui - Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione; CIPRA - Coordinamento Italiano Professionisti della Relazione d'Aiuto; Achim Rusu — Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca - Corso di Laurea Servizio Sociale; Anna Barracco — Coop. Limen ONLUS, Società Thesisgroup Srl, CIPRA; Antonia Restori — ASL di Parma, CIPRA; Giuseppe Galdi — Associazione Michele Baù, Radicali di Diritti alla follia; Lorenzo Maini — Shinui, Studente di Psicologia, Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca; Martine Bucci — CIPRA; Paolo Migone — Rivista Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, CIPRA; Riccardo Zerbetto — IIPDW Italia – The International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal; Centro Studi di Terapia della Gestalt; CIPRA.
Belgium: Paul du Roy, Country Coordinator, — Epsylon - Réseau de soins psychiatriques; Nele De Schryver — UZ Gent - Universiteit Gent; Emanuele Ferrigno — IMAGO, l'Équipe, Ligue Bruxelloise pour la Santé Mentale; Gilbert Lemmens — UZ Gent - Universiteit Gent.
France: Thomas Schwab, Country Coordinator - IPEC - Institut Pluridisciplinaire d'Études sur la Communication; Samuel Bouloudnine - ODIS-C - Organisme pour le Développement des Interventions Systémique et Contextuelles; Philippe Durand - Réseau et Famille; Rémi Peridon - Réseau et Famille.
Greece: Valeria Pomini, Country Coordinator — UMHRI - University Mental Health, Neurosciences, and Precision Medicine Research, Institute "Costas Stefanis", First Dept. of Psychiatry, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens ; Mirjana Selakovic — General Hospital "Sismanogleio" Marousi, Athens; Kiryaki Tsikou — EPAPSY - Association for Regional Development and Mental Health; Lida Xenaki — First Dept. of Psychiatry, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Spain: Adrián José Hinojosa, Country Coordinator — Escuela de Terapia Familiar Sant Pau; Claudio Fuenzalida — CTI - Centre de Teràpia Interfamiliar; Julia Javkin — CITA - Centro de Adiciones Clínicas; Ramón José Lema — Escuela de Terapia Familiar Sant Pau.