Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Centro di Consulenza sulla Relazione - Terapia individuale, di coppia, familiare, di gruppo - Corsi di Formazione Sistemico Pluralisti

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Shinui Centro Di Consulenza Sulla Relazione Scuola Di Counseling Sistemico Pluralista Corso Di Mediazione Familiare
Annual Counseling Skills Course
Annual Counseling Skills Course

Counseling Skills Course

“I closed my eyes and thought: what would I like to do if I participated, as a psychologist, in a counseling skills course? And if I did it as a social worker or a family mediator, would it be different? How might it be experienced by a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher? I imagined, then, a course that, in addition to offering counseling skills (related to active listening, assertiveness, resolving conflict situations, knowing how to ask questions and formulate hypotheses or redefine positively), would become a journey where the sum of the training days would be for each person a way to feel better about themselves and become not only a better professional but, above all, a more "beautiful" person.” (C. Edelstein)..

The Counseling Skills Course offered by the Shinui Center, recognized by AssoCounseling (Professional Category Association), follows the Sistemic Pluralist model created by Cecilia Edelstein and aims at the development of human potentials, intertwining the power of storytelling - including autobiographical - with emotions, the use of space, and listening to the body. The challenge is to intertwine the three levels of theory, practice, and experience in a balanced way. The experiential aspect concerns self-work within the group, also using non-verbal expressive techniques, partly developed by the Shinui Center staff.

The Shinui Center’s Counseling Skills Course aims to promote the knowledge of new methodologies for thinking and working for not only professional but also personal growth through the development of communication skills in work contexts and daily life, availability for active listening, the ability to make participants more aware of their biases, even to use them in working with people, and to promote conflict management skills, achieving greater work and personal well-being.

The intention is to start from the students, their life experiences, and their theoretical-practical knowledge. Given the heterogeneous nature of the group's basic training, care will be taken to work on each person's resonances and thus on the individual and group self.

31 training credits and 14 ethical credits will be recognized by Croas Lombardia.

The course grants the title of “Counseling Skills Professional” and provides the opportunity to register with the Italian Register of Counseling Skills Professionals at AssoCounseling.

Course recognized by




It is generally thought that professional choice is primarily a more or less accurate response to one's nature, personal characteristics, strengths, tastes, and resources. Choosing a profession, however, is rather an identity choice that does not come by chance but is contextualized within the relational systems in which we grew up and is marked by the path traversed in personal biography.

The narratives connected to life history, which will be examined during the course, will allow individual group members to become more aware of their choices, the constraints related to them, and the needs they address. This greater awareness can outline individual goals for the current training path, as Counseling Skills, while transversal, are specific to each profession and individual.

What remains common to all is the interest in Counseling, a professional activity that has received various definitions over the last few decades and has traced a history over the almost past century.